Prostitution Defense Lawyer in Laguna Hills, CA
Charged with Prostitution in Orange County, CA?
Prostitution is a serious criminal offense in California. If you are convicted of this crime, you will face serious penalties, including jail time, steep fines, and a permanent stain on your record. Even if you are innocent, it may be very difficult to establish your innocence if you were arrested for prostitution. To make matters worse, the police will often arrest the prostitutes themselves, even if they were not the ones who committed the crime. If you have been arrested for prostitution, it is important to contact a Laguna Hills prostitution lawyer as soon as possible.
At Alan Castillo - Attorney at Law, our prostitution attorney in Laguna Hills has the knowledge and experience to help you fight your charges. Attorney Alan Castillo has worked as a prosecutor, giving him a unique insight into the legal system. He knows how the prosecution will build their case against you, and he can use that knowledge to help you.
Call our Laguna Hills prostitution lawyer at (949) 234-6525 or contact us onlineto schedule a free consultation.
What Is Prostitution in California?
Prostitution is the act of engaging in sexual intercourse or other sexual activities in exchange for money. In California, it is a crime to solicit or engage in prostitution, or to own or manage a place where prostitution occurs.
In order to be convicted of prostitution, the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you committed the crime. This is a high standard, and it is possible to beat your charges if you have an experienced prostitution attorney on your side. If you are arrested for prostitution, don't make any statements to the police. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You should also refuse to take a polygraph test if the police offer one.
Penalties for Prostitution in California
The penalties for prostitution in California depend on the circumstances of your arrest. Generally, the charge will be either a misdemeanor or a felony. The type of charge you face will depend on the specific facts of your case, including the age of the prostitute, the age of the person who hired the prostitute, and whether any money or drugs changed hands.
If you are convicted of misdemeanor prostitution, you will face up to six months in jail and fines of up to $1,000. If you are convicted of felony prostitution, you will face 16 months to three years in prison and fines of up to $10,000.
Getting Convicted of Prostitution
There are several ways that you can be convicted of prostitution even if you are innocent. For example, if the police find you in a place where prostitution occurs, you can be charged with solicitation even if you did not ask for sexual services. If you are arrested for prostitution, you should contact an experienced Laguna Hills prostitution lawyer as soon as possible. Mr. Castillo can use his experience as a former prosecutor to argue that the evidence against you is weak.
Understanding Your Legal Rights
Being charged with prostitution in California can be a daunting and stressful experience. It's important to understand your legal rights and options when facing these charges. At Alan Castillo - Attorney at Law, we are dedicated to providing you with the help and support you need to navigate through the legal process.
Our experienced prostitution defense lawyer in Laguna Hills, CA, is committed to protecting your rights and building a strong defense for your case. We will work tirelessly to ensure that your side of the story is heard and that you receive fair treatment under the law.
It's crucial to seek legal representation as soon as possible to protect your rights and secure the best possible outcome for your case. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for the help you need today.
Contact Our Laguna Hills Prostitution Lawyer
If you or a loved one is facing prostitution charges in California, do not wait to contact our prostitution attorney in Laguna Hills. Mr. Castillo understands the challenges you are facing and can help you navigate the legal system. He knows how to negotiate with prosecutors to reduce your charges, and he can use his experience as a former prosecutor to help you build a strong defense.
Schedule your consultation with our prostitution attorney in Laguna Hills by contacting us onlineor calling (949) 234-6525 today.
California Prostitution FAQ
How can I beat prostitution charges in California?
If you are arrested for prostitution, it's important to contact an experienced prostitution attorney. With the help of a skilled attorney, it is possible to challenge the evidence and build a strong defense to beat the charges.
Can the police arrest someone for prostitution even if they are innocent?
Yes, there are instances where individuals may be wrongfully arrested for prostitution, such as being in a place where prostitution occurs. It's crucial to seek legal representation immediately if you are wrongfully accused of prostitution.
What should I do if I'm arrested for prostitution in Laguna Hills, CA?
If you are arrested for prostitution, it's essential to refrain from making any statements to the police and to seek the assistance of a reputable prostitution attorney in Laguna Hills, CA as soon as possible. An experienced attorney can help protect your rights and build a strong defense.